Do I need EPC for Commercial Property?

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Do I need EPC for Commercial Property?

Do I need EPC for Commercial Property?

servicedesk Answered question February 15, 2023

Yes, if the commercial property is over 50m2 when built, sold, or rented. A non-domestic EPC is needed when:

➜  You are planning to sell or rent the property.

➜  A building under construction is Completed

➜  There are changes made to the interior of the building for separate Occupation

➜  The total Floor area is more then 500-sq meter.

➜  The building is frequently used by the public.

If you do not have an EPC In any of the above you will be held accountable if any regulations are contravened.

Contact serviceteam to get an EPC for your property!

servicedesk Edited answer February 15, 2023
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